DETECTION DOG, The Best Breed?

Although there are almost no historical facts on the evolution of the most domesticated animal on earth, much can be assumed by the characteristics of the different breeds.

Testing and Training for Proper Defense Aggression

My introduction to training dogs to pass a sport test goes back almost 50 years. Testing an adult dog for sport suitability consists of various assessments primarily aimed at evaluating a dog’s courage.

Testing Protocol

By David Reaver Adlerhorst has the most comprehensive procurement program in the industry. We travel to Europe 6 to 8 times a year seeking out dogs for Police Service. It is important to us that each of our customers finds a dog that is suitable, however, due to some serious problems with testing dogs immediately […]

Pricing and the World Market

By David Reaver Adlerhorst has been providing quality police service dogs and training to law enforcement agencies for over 40 years. During this period we have seen an industry grow from being a law enforcement tool that could not properly be defined by many agencies using them and, more importantly, the courts of law. As […]

Police Service Dog Training

By David Reaver Adlerhorst currently imports 25 to 30 dogs a month. All of our dogs have been personally tested and selected in Europe. More then 30 years ago we innovated this procurement process, during this span of time many have emulated our process. Their success initially enabled many to duplicate our selection process. In […]

What is the Community Standard?

By David Reaver The new generation of Police Dogs in the Western States started in the mid 1970’s. During this period much has changed in the procurement, training, certifying and ongoing training concepts. Prior to 1975 the primary source for service dogs, both police & military, were people’s back yards. For the most part these […]

Guard & Bark

By David Reaver Viewed From the Behavioral Science Perspective As an individual who began my canine education in Europe some 40 years ago I accepted many concepts from old masters. The goals in training being to pass an examination for man & dog. The testing process was, and still is, used to measure a dog’s […]

Release Techniques

By David Reaver Revised October 2011 The concept of having a “clean out” has been accepted by virtually the entire police K-9 community. However, we still encounter handlers that feel their dog becomes stronger if they are choked off the bite. They soon develop a disobedient dog, not a stronger dog. Unfortunately, this seems to […]